Sunday, November 22, 2020

To Mask or Not to Mask (videos) 11 22 2020

 Interview of designer of Danish face mask random study

Controversial mask study in Denmark

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Dostoyevsky: What you're not allowed to know


Dostoyevsky: What you're not allowed to know


Aaron Kasparov [B]


Published on Jan 17, 2018

Dr William Luther Pierce:
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Feel free to download and spread, or use however you want.


removed from youtube

Thursday, October 1, 2020

The US, Iran, China and Perspectives on the Global Crisis Crooke, Escobar, Marandi Aug 2020

The US, Iran, China and Perspectives on the Global Crisis - Panel Discussion

Panel discussion presented by the Institute for North American and European Studies (INAES) and hosted by Zeinab Ghasemi Tari Guests: Alastair Crooke, Pepe Escobar, and Seyed Mohammad Marandi

Crooke: "Anarchy above, anarchy below, and the center -- the blue collar middle class -- is dissolving.


Aug 3, 2020.  
David Parker
Thanks, delighted to hear from perspectives kept out of mainstream US news. Pompeo's declaration of ideological war is terrible news: by what measure can it be said that such a war is won? Do bridge-burning, book-burning, and witch-burning only differ in degree? It's just like Campbell said: they go about trying to transform the world to their infantile ego's dictates, instead of realizing that "the Kingdom lies within." Terrible times, indeed. But! ISTM Trump has jumped one too many sharks, even for a bellicose white guy rich from daddy's money. His Law & Order play fell flat. And then to go and fondle the Holy Election Calendar like it was his to toy with, forcing the entire Republican establishment to step away, however timidly, ISTM, may have been his King Minos moment: he was given the gift of the Mandate of Heaven, to use for the public's weal, not his own, but he just couldn't do it, *not even during a pandemic. He substitutes politicking for governing, refusing to offer aid to "radical left" cities. As if! OTOH, I sense an impending blowout. OTO, I've been reading WaPo, NYT, and BBC a lot lately, all notorious purveyors of PSYOPs, so I could be full of it and not even know. So again, thanks!

The Russia / China de-dollarization predates the trump shenanigans. Any country that did this before would immediately be assaulted, either economically or militarily. Being that Russia and China, together would wipe them off the face of the earth and actually be welcomed as liberators 'when' they march down Pennsylvania Avenue, the only thing they can do is wage this goofy global, asymetrical hissy fit against the globe. Their plandemics over the past 20 years, along with their assaults on sovereign nations (militarily, economically etc.) are all bids to stem their, dull minded, beer swilling, cheeto dust, population's realization that they've collapsed and are the penultimate failed state. The so called 'American' experiment has failed and come to its final conclusion. All these gentlemen are doing is giving different interpretations of their respective pathology reports on the demise of the criminal nation of the usoa. Bear in mind, there has never been, nor will there ever be, a 'war waged by the usoa, they are what they've always been, a guerilla militarily (since the revolutionary war, they're proud of this fact) that simply assaults. The usan mentality cannot endure a 'war any more than they can endure true equality and justice amongst themselves, let alone to a 'black, brown or yellow'. As stated, they are the protestant, calvanist riff raff, zealots from europe who were spread like a virulent, flesh eating venereal disease, across the world (south and north america, africa and austro-asia); they embrace infighting and self immoliation as a matter of apocolyptic faith. Best to give them all the time, space and high octane fuel to carry on. Cheers


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Rabbi Shmuley and Bret Stephens Debate: Is Trump Good for the Jews?

 Rabbi Shmuley and Bret Stephens Debate “Is President Donald Trump Good for the Jews?"

Accessed Sept 2020

Event: June 2018

Monday, September 14, 2020

It's Time to Wake Up --

Irish video on falsity of Covid lockdown, masking, policing.

accessed Sept 13 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

American Empire Invades Africa - Carlton

American Empire Invades Africa

Jun 11, 2020
After World War II, African nations were officially freed from European colonial rule. This is mostly an illusion as American and European powers maintain control indirectly via the banking system, bribes, trade sanctions, coups, assassinations, and military interventions. During the Cold War, this domination of Africa was challenged as the Soviet Union funded revolutionaries. With the end of the Cold War, American resources freed from European commitments were redirected toward domination of the African continent and conquered Somalia, Libya, and Sudan. _______________________________________ “Close Kelley Barracks”; Carlton Meyer; G2mil; 2011; “General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries in Five Years”; Democracy Now; March 2007; "A Brief History of the CIA's Dirty Wars in South Sudan"; Thomas Mountain; July 31, 2019; ANC Report; US Africa Command website: “The US Military’s plans to cement its network of base of African bases; Nick Turse; Mail& Guardian; May 1, 2020; Related Tale: The Conquest of Libya in 2011; "The U.S. Brags About Health Aid to Africa While Bombing Some of Its Most Vulnerable Nations" Nick Turse; The Intercept; May 22, 2020; TAGS: Kelly Barracks Africom Africa Command Somalia Sudan Libya Air Base 201 Camp Lemonnier Wesley Clark Union of Islamic Courts Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Omar al-Bashir Abdalla Hamdok Special Operations Command Africa Tongo Transitional Federal Government NeoCon strategy
Frank Martin
Well done,sir! Please consider doing a video about General Smedley Butler , "War is a Racket" .
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Tales of the American Empire
I include him at the end of the YANGPAT video and he appears in a video about Haiti that will appear later this year.
Frank Martin
Tales of the American Empire thanks! I'll watch the YANGPAT video and look forward to the Haiti presentation.
Paul Sansonetti
@Tales of the American Empire Mr Meyer have you ever considered trying to get your articles posted on I think the vast majority would-be right up Ron Unz's alley.
Tales of the American Empire
@Paul Sansonetti I often post comments there and link to my articles but I've never been invited to write at unz.
Paul Sansonetti
@Tales of the American Empire i would send a few writing samples to them, they dont filter by ideology that i can tell, and im certain your writing is of high enough quality . thats my two cents anyway, have a great weekend.
Paul Sansonetti
@Tales of the American Empire we need to reconcile that. The fact that during the 1980’s at least 15 other military installations in the US (i.e., Fort Dix, Fort Hood, Fort Jackson, Fort Leavenworth, Fort Meade, the Presidio) and abroad (Germany, Panama) - an estimate of over 10% of all 300 US military daycares around the world - taking care of nearly 100,000 young children on a daily basis, have had documented cases of ongoing sexual abuse, strongly indicates a systemic, well organized global epidemic where pedophiles are allowed to rape in plain sight with complete impunity. No doubt over time the satanic ritual abuse networks have only grown more sophisticated and extensive in perpetrating unthinkable atrocities against children worldwide. But only a couple years after the West Point scandal, the most infamous satanic ritualized sexual abuse in the military ever, surfaced in San Francisco’s Presidio where Satanist ringleader Lt. Colonel Michael A. Aquino was heavily implicated. In July 1984 parents of a 3-year old girl contacted the West Pont military police stating that their child was sexually assaulted at the West Point Child Development Center, the on post daycare center serving preschool aged child dependents of both military personnel (totaling 120 children) and civilian employees (comprising 30 kids). A medical doctor at the West Point hospital observed that a little girl’s vagina had been lacerated. When the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division learned the accused suspects were civilians, the case was immediately transferred over to the FBI, which in late July 1984 began investigating the 40 employee facility serving 150 children who were infants to kindergarteners. At least 11 children (and likely dozens more) were sexually molested as well as physically abused with burns and bruises at the Military Academy daycare center by at least two female civilian staff acting as teacher’s aides who were suspended with pay. The forthcoming accusations spoke of satanic ritual abuse perpetrated by members of a satanic cult between 1983 and 1984 that included animal sacrifice and physical abuse inflicted on young children. Subsequently, interviewed children were reporting that they were forced to eat shit and drink piss, and had feces smeared on their bodies during satanic ritual abuse. Many also alluded to being driven away from the daycare center, stripped naked and exploited for child pornography photographs. The West Point Child Development Center building number where the satanic pedophile abuse occurred was 666, later changed by Academy officials to 673 due to 666 being the mark or number of the beast.  When the children began verbalizing and showing signs of sexual abuse to their parents, and the parents brought their concerns to the Center staff, the military police, FBI, medical and West Point authorities, their accusations were summarily disbelieved, ignored and categorically denied. Parents were told that the two accused staff members had both passed lie detector tests. FBI investigators showed up at the parents’ homes for questioning without tape recorders or even bother taking notes, casting dispersions on the parents’ childrearing capabilities. From the outset of the supposed investigation, it was clear that the authorities involved were more concerned with squelching and containing the truth than finding it out. Medical doctor Captain William R. Grote, whose 3-year old child was sexually violated, became so upset over how the Academy mishandled the evidence and parents’ concerns that he refused a promotion to major in June 1985 and soon afterwards resigned his officer commission. In his words: I cannot accept promotion in a system that at first refused to acknowledge and now refuses to deal with the victims of extensive child abuse that occurred at the West Point Child Development Center. Despite an “exhaustive” FBI investigation lasting over a year conducted by a team of 60 FBI agents, in the end, as of 1985, neither the US Army nor West Point nor Southern District of New York US Attorney’s office indicted or arrested anyone for the horrific crimes being committed. Nor has the government or military admitted guilt that any crimes ever even took place when the physical and psychological evidence piling up was monumental. Though Dr. Grote was among the first parents to file a lawsuit against the Academy, he chose not to pursue the subsequent civil suit filed by parents that eventually was settled in May 1991. Eerily similar to the shameful outcome of the botched McMartin case in California, after the same seven painful, agonizing years for the abused children and victimized parents, they were forced to witness the perpetrators get off scot free because both criminal cases refused to accept irrefutable evidence and were ultimately dropped. This reprehensible misconduct by our judicial system constitutes nothing short of double the criminality carrying double the abuse. And both the satanic abusers and satanic elements inside the government remain guiltily unaccountable. In response to West Point parents’ civil suit, two years before it was settled, an independent team from the University of Pennsylvania was called in to gather its own evidential findings since the FBI investigation was intentionally so shoddily mishandled. And based on the sealed report, a financial settlement into the millions was reached, obviously indicating complicit admission that substantial abuse did in fact occur involving at least nine of the children. After seven horrific years, the West Point civil suit was finally decided, awarding nine families a settlement of $1.2 million, totaling $2.7 million to be disbursed over time to the abused children with final allotment upon reaching adulthood, ranging from $25,000 to $625,000 for the victims… small consolation for the hell that they were forced to endure.
R Griffin
Why was the video taken down this morning?
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Tales of the American Empire
It was taken down about 10 minutes after it appeared last night and I was notified its content was "inappropriate" which is ridiculous. I appealed and it was restored three hours later. (This also happened two weeks ago). This morning I was informed that it was taken down again! So I appealed again, and it was restored. I'm not sure how their system functions, and they do restore them on appeal, but they never say what in each video someone objected to. We can only speculate, but nothing comes close to violating Youtube content guidelines.
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@Tales of the American Empire This one too? You know you're over the right target when you start getting flak!
Tony Logan
@Tales of the American Empire It is clear that reactionaries and/ or the US Pentagon object to youtube running this video online.
Paul Sansonetti
@Tony Logan just about every reactionary that I'm aware of , is noninterventionist, the true Paleocon/rightwing position as opposed to neocons. When foreign policy is utopian we call it "wilsonian" Neocons were trotskyists before they rowed over to the repubs and ruined their foreign policy to. That and superdelegates were in response to the left nominating the pacifist McGovern in 1972. It was an effort to make damn sure a pacifist could never win the democratic nomination. Kennedy was largely killed because of signing the memo to remove all troops from Vietnam by 64, and his back channel to kruchev to prevent nuclear war, and a mostly left wing media/ CIA completely covered it up. Even Carter ( who I think overall Is a wholesome man) let Brzezinski aid the mujahideen. Look at Reagan's response after the 1983 Beirut marine bombing? Although what we did over Iran contra was horrible ( not sure how much bush told him, buy it still happened on his watch) and bush and the Safari club extended the Iran hostage crisis by nefarious means, to prevent Carter's reelection, which was in response to his attempt to bring the CIA to heel when he fired approximately 40% of them in the Halloween massacre. The vast majority of wars the US has fought were under Democrats Ww1, ww2, Korea, Vietnam. The more recent ones that had nominal Republicans in charge were all globalist neocons. Miss me with the right wing war mongering BS. Nothing conservatives hold dear gets better during war. Ruins finances, kills Patriots, hurts families, creates mental illness and drug addicts,hurts the world opinion of us weakens demographics, leads to war fatigue which is the opposite of a " keep your powder dry foreign policy" Ron Paul and pat Buchanan have way more antiwar bonafides than even the most left-wing politicians , Bernie Sanders for example , who knows the f-35 is a boondoggle, but he voted for it because the majority is manufactured in Vermont. How many wars has Bernie opposed? Barely any.
The US empire is pure cancer. I kind of enjoy the current societal breakdown hoping that it will hasten the demise of this evil but chances are that it might give more power to the agents of chaos. On the other hand it makes me feel sorry for most Americans who are good people and victims too.
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Paul Sansonetti
agreed, i feel pretty much exactly the same way. although we do deserve it on some level, for constantly falling for statist lies, and being asleep at the switch for decades.
Gherard VM
the reality: USA... or China and Russia.
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Tony Logan
China and Russia are hardly poised to dominate and run Africa as the US and Western European imperialists have done for centuries now.
Paul Sansonetti
@Tony Logan “Right now you could say that any big project in African cities that is higher than three floors or roads that are longer than three kilometers are most likely being built and engineered by the Chinese. It is ubiquitous,” spoke Daan Roggeveen, the founder of MORE Architecture and author of many works on urbanization in China and Africa. personally i would rather be governed by china or russia , rather than our current oligarchy in the US. largely zionism by proxy.
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Dugan Rust
You should look up the works of Anthony Sutton such as his Wall Street books and interviews he gave. Some very interesting information concerning western financiers and bankers funding some very dangerous characters.
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Tales of the American Empire
I looked up his name and he has interesting stuff.
Dugan Rust
It doesn’t make sense at first but after awhile you don’t look at history the same