Saturday, January 9, 2021

Sayanim, a Mossad Mechanism to control countries

Sayanim, a Mossad Mechanism to control countries (ep 17)

In the 17th episode Nader Talebzade interviewed Dr. Jacob Cohen, the French Jewish anti-Zionist activist and Palestine advocate. In the beginning of this episode Dr. Cohen elaborates on the mechanisms of how Mossad infiltrates many countries to control them and to not to allow any truth be revealed about Israel crimes. He brings up the term "Sayanim" which refers to the group of Jews who live in and often hold the citizenship of lands outside of Israel, but who are recruited clandestinely by the Mossad to assist with its operations. Then he talks about Morocco and the Zionist Youth Movement which Dr. Cohen was a member of when he was a teenager in 50s. He tells us that how the young ignorant Moroccan people were deceived by the propaganda to travel to Israel, he explains that how Moroccans were protesting of their conditions in Israel. He also talks about his novels and the fact that how fiction allows him to write about the nature of Sayanim and Zionism. Finally, Dr. Cohen tells us that how he is treated by press and media in France and how they "terrorize" anyone who talks about Sayanim. He explains that how they boycotted his book "the spring of the Sayanim" ---------------------------- “Nader’s Show” is hosted by Iranian filmmaker and writer Nader Talebzadeh, who has produced programs for an Iranian audience including a vast number of interviews with the US dissidents and whistleblowers. American government couldn't stand his voice of truth thus put sanctions on him to silent his voice, but Nader started a show to be the voice of the voiceless. Voice of the people who has been sanctioned either by governments or by the corporate media. In "Nader's Show" he wants to go beyond the borders and let the voices be heard. ---------------------------- Website:

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In the 17th episode Nader Talebzade interviewed Dr. Jacob Cohen, the French Jewish anti-Zionist activist and Palestine advocate. In the beginning of this episode Dr. Cohen elaborates on the mechanisms of how Mossad infiltrates many countries to control them and to not to allow any truth be revealed about Israel crimes. He brings up the term "Sayanim" which refers to the group of Jews who live in and often hold the citizenship of lands outside of Israel, but who are recruited clandestinely by the Mossad to assist with its operations. Then he talks about Morocco and the Zionist Youth Movement which Dr. Cohen was a member of when he was a teenager in 50s. He tells us that how the young ignorant Moroccan people were deceived by the propaganda to travel to Israel, he explains that how Moroccans were protesting of their conditions in Israel. He also talks about his novels and the fact that how fiction allows him to write about the nature of Sayanim and Zionism. Finally, Dr. Cohen tells us that how he is treated by press and media in France and how they "terrorize" anyone who talks about Sayanim. He explains that how they boycotted his book "the spring of the Sayanim" ---------------------------- “Nader’s Show” is hosted by Iranian filmmaker and writer Nader Talebzadeh, who has produced programs for an Iranian audience including a vast number of interviews with the US dissidents and whistleblowers. American government couldn't stand his voice of truth thus put sanctions on him to silent his voice, but Nader started a show to be the voice of the voiceless. Voice of the people who has been sanctioned either by governments or by the corporate media. In "Nader's Show" he wants to go beyond the borders and let the voices be heard.

In France, it's true that you can criticise or make jokes about everyone, but you have to be careful in general about making stupid remarks about black and arab people. It has to be said that most french people don't give a shit where you come from as long as you're a decent person. Racism and discrimination exist, but it's a minority problem. However, laughing at or criticising folks who're jewish is problematic and politically incorrect. It's a taboo subject and you hold your tongue. Tightly. Mr Cohen and others like Dieudonné, Alain Soral and the moroccan intellectual, specialist in religions, Youssef Hindi, know this full well. The jewish lobbies are powerful and can smear you, take you to court and punish you. You'll also maybe lose your job.It's the same in the US with different defend Israel organisations, none of which as powerful as the AIPAC, the no.1 most powerful lobby in this country. But schh, it's a secret;) Never forget that if this tiny, dry middle-east nation ceased to exist, how would the Second Coming of the Messiah happen. Israel is also therefore massively supported by the evangelics in the US. Long life to Israel, a country I've visited on several occasions on kibbutz and in Kadim in the occupied territories where my friends once lived.
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