Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Italian journalist in Mariupol, Mar 28 ? 2022


Hello everyone, at the moment I am editing the footage taken in recent days in Mariupol, and in the meantime I am reading the news in the telegram. Looking at what is happening in Italy, I felt the need to say a few words. I don't know if I can find the right words to describe what's going on, but I have to say something. The spectacle, originating in Italy, is grotesque. They are arguing about the fourth or fifth dose of the vaccine, if it is better to do it now or in the fall, at a time when we are on the verge of a third world war. and then there are those who talk about the fourth doses of the vaccine, masks for children. In TV programs we see presenters who walk around the studio in a mask .. Since I arrived in Russia, I don’t even know where I put the mask. I go in and out of hospitals, hug people, eat from the same plate with them. I see people cooking on the street and in Italy they are talking about the fourth dose of the vaccine, it's crazy. And yet, these people hope for the Third World War, speaking of civilization. But I believe that we never had a civilization. We will never be able to defeat these people, because we are already nothing. I see people on TV talking about modernity, about morality, they say that Putin is a criminal. There is neither before nor after, but only now: Putin is a criminal. If Putin is a criminal, then we are 10 times worse. These days are the anniversary of the destruction of Belgrade by Deputy Prime Minister Mattarella, Prime Minister of the Communist D'Alema. Tons of bombs have been dropped on the European capital, over civilians, based on fake news. It is also fashionable to recall Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan. But if you remind them of all this, they will not want to hear about it. If Putin is a criminal, then Bush father and son, Obama, Blair, Clinton, Mattarella are criminals. It needs to be said! Nations and powers do what needs to be done - they don't do it like in Italy, where we discuss sanctions, Netflix or the disqualification of an oak in a competition to annoy Russia. Someone even suggested lowering the heating to 18 degrees ... This is a crazy world where you have lost touch with reality. You are fighting bullshit against tanks and bombs, Russia will not retreat back. She doesn't lose, she wins. She is moving forward according to plan, not in a hurry. They didn't wake up a month ago with the thought: what to do today? Let's invade Ukraine! We weren't ready for this. The plans were made by the Americans and Russians. Italians, Germans, Austrians and Ukrainians, who didn't know what was going to happen, were drawn into it, controlled by a lunatic who doesn't control anything: an actor playing a part. He does not control the neo-Nazi battalions. I stop people randomly and interview them. They all tell me they were locked in the basement and couldn't get out. They were told everything was under control. Many say they shot at them to keep them from leaving. They emptied the apartments to bring people down, when they themselves remained in the apartments to shoot. These are neo-Nazi battalions. And then I read on the Washington Post that these militants read Kant ... I went to their former bases, where I saw swastikas, books about the SS, books about Mussolini .. Then they tell us about Casapound or New Force (nationalist organizations in Italy), when there are real Nazis who are being held hostage state. A state that ceased to be democratic in 2014 as a result of a neo-Nazi coup. There is no democracy in Ukraine. The so-called pro-Russian President Yanulovich was the last democratically elected president. And he was not pro-Russian, because if he was, he would have repressed the Maidan, would have destroyed the neo-Nazis. He wasn't pro-Russian because he didn't. Since then, the country has been in the hands of neo-Nazis and oligarchs. Such a result. Then they roll around the world of an actor, artist and comedian from the series, whose words are empty - there is nothing true in them. The truth is that we are killing ourselves for NATO. Russia has no problems, it can take its time. It has grain, wheat, raw materials, oil, gas, vast and sparsely populated territory. Doesn't need space. She can stand there and wait while we go to collect firewood and bask in public parks. What else is needed to understand what is happening?

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